Typical use case: spawning a Jupyter Notebook

Let’s take the example of a Jupyter Notebook to be deployed from a node of a cluster named Ibex. Let’s assume that we are already logged in on a node of this cluster, Ibex_000xxx and have checked for the first port Port_nnn available and started a Jupyter Notebook server responding on this port. We also eventually set up a random password Password_yyy to secure access to the Notebook.

The fist step consists in registering Jupyter Notebook as the instance example of the service we name JupyterNotebook:

$ registerService --service JupyterNotebook
                  --instance example \
                  --endpoint http://Ibex_000xxx:Port_nnn
                  --password Password_yyy
service JupyterNotebook:example registered

In the cloud, this newly registered service adds a new line in Ludion centralized database, and triggers the update of any browser pointing to Ludion’s Dashboad showing that a service JupyterNotebook is now ready for the user to access at the address http://Ibex_000xxx:Port_nnn that appears as a clickable link using the password Password_yyy displayed with all other parameters of the service when clicking on the service.


Once the service is registered, any parameter can be updated thanks to the following command:

$ updateService --service JupyterNotebook
                --instance example
                --status RUNNING
                --step step_0.1
service JupyterNotebook:example updated successfully

These parameters are immediately updated in the centralized database and on the Ludion dashboard.

One can also retrieve given parameters of a given service with the command:

$ getService --service JupyterNotebook
             --instance example
             --parameters "endpoint,status,login,password,x1"
{ service  : "JupyterNotebook",
  instance : "example",
  endpoint : "Ibex_000123:2030",
  status   : "RUNNING"
  login    : "JupyterNotebook",
  password : "Password_yyy"

More briefly, this command can be called with no parameter to get only the status of the service:

$ getService --service JupyterNotebook
             --instance example

Or, to get all parameters with –all-parameters options

$ getService --service JupyterNotebook
             --instance example
{ service    : "JupyterNotebook",
  instance   : "example",
  id         : "JupyterNotebook_example_1141442334333311",
  description: "Jupyter service",
  user       : "user_login",
  machine    : "Ibex",
  endpoint   : "Ibex_000123:2030",
  status     : "COMPLETE",
  step       : "step_0.1",
  password   : "Password_yyy",
  createdAt  : "2020-11-11 14:00:00",
  updatedAt  : "2020-11-11 14:10:410",
  jobid      " "012121544"